Prior to this workshop, team members will engage in questions derived from the Gallup Strengths research to help provide valuable information for the team as a whole and its individual members.

Use this workshop to see your team members in a new light. Know who to go to for what you need done.

Enjoy having a collaborative team working to their strengths, leading authentically and feeling more fulfilled and satisfied in the process.

Establish your next steps on the continuum of powerful leadership.

During the program, the participants will be guided to:

  • Recognize their own strengths and acknowledge those of others
  • Know the leadership styles of their team members and team composite
  • Reveal leadership gaps and gain information to consider for future hires and collaborations
  • Understand what followers need from their leaders
  • Build leadership capacity

Following the program your team will:

  • Optimize their leadership style
  • Feel more confident
  • Create stability in the office and for those they serve

If you are interested in finding out more about the Maximize Strengths workshop, please contact me for details.