With TEAM PROGRAMS that build relationships and improve results the effectiveness within your organization dramatically increases how_it_works

Your leaders and team will:

• Share a UNIFIED VISION and stop wondering what the next person is doing
MAXIMIZE STRENGTHS and no longer waste time treating everyone alike
COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY and start talking “with” team members and not “about” them

The impact:

  • Reduce costs
  • Improve service and engagement
  • Increase employee potential



These are designed for a subset or the full team to communicate effectively, brainstorm, create a strategy and move a critical issue forward at your organization.

Participants leave the room having shifted from:

  • Confusion to clarity
  • Misunderstanding to alignment
  • Disengaged to engaged


INDIVIDUAL INTERVIEWS: Each person gets heard. By coordinating that input we develop custom team programs with clear objectives.

COACHING: Working individually, leaders make significant breakthroughs that enhance their ability to be effective and feel excited about what they are focusing on. They can become widely known for their expertise and impact.

TEAM BUILDING SESSIONS: Interactive learning and problem solving takes place in an atmosphere that is conducive to creating change. The team sessions will focus on unified vision, maximizing team members’ strengths and effective communication.

If you are interested in finding out more about workshops that will help strengthen your team, please contact me for details.



Unified Vision


Clarifying your vision and setting priorities for the upcoming months and years is a game changer. Do this and focus your expertise and passion to create bigger, deeper results for your organization while honoring your team’s needs and lifestyle choices.

During the workshop:

  • Your team will be guided through a step-by-step process that will support leaders to clarify their vision and set priorities for the months ahead
  • Participants will create a solid working draft and next steps to implement immediately

Leave this workshop with:

  • A vision that you’ll be excited to celebrate a year from now and beyond
  • Your top priorities clearly defined for the year
  • Breakthrough goals for achieving success
  • Knowing how to use your vision and priorities as a decision making tool
  • Step into your leadership to anchor this vision throughout the year.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Unified Vision workshop, please contact me for details.



Maximized Strengths


Prior to this workshop, team members will engage in questions derived from the Gallup Strengths research to help provide valuable information for the team as a whole and its individual members.

Use this workshop to see your team members in a new light. Know who to go to for what you need done.

Enjoy having a collaborative team working to their strengths, leading authentically and feeling more fulfilled and satisfied in the process.

Establish your next steps on the continuum of powerful leadership.

During the program, the participants will be guided to:

  • Recognize their own strengths and acknowledge those of others
  • Know the leadership styles of their team members and team composite
  • Reveal leadership gaps and gain information to consider for future hires and collaborations
  • Understand what followers need from their leaders
  • Build leadership capacity

Following the program your team will:

  • Optimize their leadership style
  • Feel more confident
  • Create stability in the office and for those they serve

If you are interested in finding out more about the Maximize Strengths workshop, please contact me for details.



Effective Communication


A workshop for organizational leaders and teams. Using Patrick Lencioni’s framework from The Five Dysfunctions of a Team as a starting point, participants quickly learn what creates a high functioning team.

In this interactive workshop the team will:

  • Take a deeper look at each of the five elements of a functional team: trust, healthy conflict, commitment, accountability and achieving great results
  • Become aware of their individual relationship and that of the team’s to these five elements
  • Evaluate a pressing challenge or goal through this lens and use it to achieve great results
  • Generate team engagement and momentum

The elements of this workshop will be customized to focus on:

• Specifics which will support your team to move forward with ease
• Steps for achieving great results
• Team collaboration and engagement

If you are interested in finding out more about the Effective Communication workshop, please contact me for details.